Model Numbers, Product Codes, and You

“How do I become an expert in reading DXRacer Model Numbers?” As with most things, it looks a lot harder than it actually is. Take these two for example: OH/RV001/NVOH/DM61/NWE. It may look like gibberish, but our product codes provide the most requested information at a glance.

Follow this simple key:

F: Formula Series

R: Racing Series

V: Valkyrie Series

K: King Series

S: Sentinel Series

T: Tank Series

B: Boss Series

C: Classic Series

W: Work Series

E: Elite Series

D: Drifting Series

I: Iron Series

The first letter of each chair always corresponds to the series that it’s part of. The short or the long version can be used interchangeably, meaning that both the R series and the Racing series mean the same thing.

Next, the model number. The model number designates what chair the product is in relation to each series. For example, the RV001 and the RV131 are different chairs, even though they share the “RV” at the beginning. When referring to individual chairs, always include the series and model numbers together. Always RV001, not just V001.

Next, colors. Most of our chairs are 1 or 2 colors on black. So a chair like the RV001/NV is Violet on Black, or a chair like the DM61/NWB is White and Blue on Black. Since Black is the primary color, almost every chair begins with N for Null in the color code. When deciphering color codes, use the following key. Note that your chair might have different colors, these are our most common colors codes:VB03/NRRV001/NVDM61/NWB.

N: Null (Black)

B: BlueE: Green

P: Pink

Y: Yellow

R: Red

G: Grey

W: White

V: Violet

O: Orange

Finally, the OH prefix. OH stands for “Office Home”, which signifies the product as a chair. Our Accessories, Desks, Racing Simulator, and more all have different product prefixes.

OH/RW106/NG: Racing Series RW106 Chair in Black and Grey

GD/1000/NE: Gaming Desk in Black and Green

FR/FX0/NO: Footrest in Black and Orange

PS/1000/N: Racing Simulator part in Black

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