
Reviewed in CA on Aug 24, 2023


I recommend this chair if you are looking for a great gaming chair for an extended period of time. It will be the best investment that you will ever make.

Featured Images

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Backed by the Biggest Names in Gaming and Esports

"The dxrace gaming chair has truly revolutionized my gaming experience."


Awards Awards
MUSE SIiver Awards Furniture Design-Seating & Comfort Furniture

MUSE SIiver Awards Furniture Design-Seating & Comfort Furniture


Innovation by Design Awards

Innovation by Design Awards

ITheat Hot

Creative Design Awards

Creative Design Awards


MUSE CoIden Awards  Furniture Design - Office Furniture

MUSE CoIden Awards Furniture Design - Office Furniture


Received Unanimous Praise from Press and Media

DXRACER Martian Series
DXRACER Formula Series
DXRACER Drifting Series
DXRACER Blade Series
DXRACER Craft Series
DXRACER Master Series
DXRACER Tank Series
DXRACER Tidal Series