
Reviewed in TX on Jul 05, 2024


Granted, I've only been sitting in this chair for an hour, but it's already a game changer for me. I have an autoimmune disease, UCTD, which is basically a combo of Lupus, RA, and Sjogren's. To sum it up, I've got debilitating arthritis and finding a chair to work in has been like a dark Goldilocks tale. I've tried 'em all. "Ergonomic" office chairs, kneeling chairs, hard kitchen chairs... This one makes them all look silly. What I love most about it, besides the supportive pillows, is how it hugs my body. It doesn't kill my tailbone or back to sit in. The bottom part of the chair is curved and comfortable rather than flat. The pillow at my back keeps me sitting straight and keeps my back from aching. I do wish the armrests went just a tad higher, but let's be real. I'm working on a 13" laptop, so I probably wouldn't use the armrests even if they did go higher. When I need to rest, this thing reclines. IT RECLINES. Now I just need something to put my feet up on, and I'll never leave this chair.

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Backed by the Biggest Names in Gaming and Esports

"Take my sitting experience to the highest level and help me dominate in the gaming world." SF Shock
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